Learn about Metaverse provides students with the information and tools they need to be successful in the metaverse. Through a variety of courses and modules, students form a foundational understanding of the metaverse, then can further their studies and understanding with subject specific courses that detail pillar areas and components of the metaverse.

"I signed up for this course because I didn't want to get 'left behind.' I am very pleased with what I learned and the ability to get personalized help when I was done."

- Tyrese C.

Hi, I’m Dennis Brown

I am the course instructor for Metaverse Essentials 1. I have a passion for all things Blockchain. I understand the importance of Blockchain technologies and the role it will play in the future. My aim is to communicate that importance to my students and arm them with the tools to leverage the technologies for their gain. Regardless of the direction they pursue in the metaverse, I want my students to feel confident knowing they understand the metaverse and the various pathways they can pursue.